In late February Facebook announced “A Simpler Way to Organize and Optimize Campaigns on Facebook“. See the chart below. In essence, they are inserting a layer between the Campaign and the Ad levels. As someone coming from the world of PPC this missing layer always dumbfounded me…

facebook new campaign structure

Well, now (and in my opinion at least 5 years too late) the New Campaign Structure  is finally rolling out to Facebook Advertising.

Here is a Tour of the New Facebook Campaign Structure featuring Ad Sets

New Facebook Ad Sets are here
The “Take Tour” screen you see when you log in
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 1 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 1 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 2 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 2 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 3 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 3 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 4 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 4 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 5 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 5 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 6 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 6 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 7 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 7 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tutorial 8 of 8
Facebook Ad Set Tour – Step 8 of 8

Well, that’s all folks. Some really welcome and useful items are here to hopefully make Zuckerberg and increase the shareholder value of FB  on NASDAQ.

Final Thoughts on Facebook Ad Sets

I hate Facebook Advertising. It’s interface is beyond dated, it takes forever to accomplish anything, nothing is intuitive, and worst of all the reporting options kill kittens (that’s how bad they are).

Ad sets are to the equivalent of Adwords Ad Groups on Facebook. In face, I’ve been calling them Ad Groups for weeks.

To me the introduction of Ad Groups (oops, I mean Ad Sets) is a huge step in making Facebook Ads a tab easier to deal with. Being in the world of digital marketing guarantees the need to run Facebook Ads, especially those using Facebook’s Remarketing Technology.  Thus, there is no way around using the god-awful user interface (don;t even get me started on the Power Editor – there is nothing powerful about it, beyond the power to annoy).

All in all, it really makes me wonder why it took Facebook so long to roll out a basic functionality such as Ad Sets. Imagine if Google Adwords rolled out without Ad Groups! No one would be using Adwords. However, Facebook has one huge advantage over all other Adverting Networks: User Data. Lots of User Data.

What are your thoughts? Be sure to leave a comment below!